Hair Color Services

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**Single Process Color:**

Single process color refers to a hair coloring technique where both the color and the developer are applied simultaneously to achieve the desired result. It is typically used for standard color changes, covering gray hair, or to darken the natural hair color. In a single process color treatment, the hair color and developer are mixed together and applied evenly throughout the hair. The hair is then allowed to process for a specific amount of time, after which it is rinsed out and often followed by a conditioning treatment.

**Overall Corrective Color:**

Overall corrective color, on the other hand, is a more complex and specialized hair coloring process. It is used to correct previous color mistakes, uneven color, or significant color discrepancies. Corrective color treatments are typically performed by experienced colorists who assess the client's current hair color, identify the issues, and formulate a custom solution to correct the problems.

Corrective color can involve various techniques such as color removal, color balancing, color blending, and sometimes multiple color applications to achieve the desired result. It might also require different processes on different sections of the hair to create a uniform and natural-looking color. Corrective color treatments often take longer than a standard single process color because of the intricacies involved in fixing existing color issues.

In summary, while a single process color is a straightforward application of color to the entire hair, corrective color is a more specialized and customized process used to fix previous color mistakes or achieve a specific, complex color transformation. Corrective color treatments demand a higher level of expertise and understanding of color theory and hair chemistry. It's crucial to consult with a skilled and experienced colorist when considering corrective color treatments to ensure the best possible outcome.